
Carpenter Ants

How Do We Recognize the Carpenter Ant?

They are large ants with a solid head: they measure 0.5 to 2 cm long. They have a black coloration and some species have a reddish coloration on the thorax.

Sawdust will usually be visible near the openings of their nests. Indeed, the nests are created in the damp wood possibly present in human dwellings. They can attack healthy wood if a problem has not been solved for several years and lead to a more rapid deterioration of the house.

Ants will be seen in the middle of winter if the infestation is well established. It is also possible to see swarms of winged ants near royal nests.

Pavement Ants and Common Ants

How Do We Recognize Common and Pavement Ants?

Several species of ants are grouped together here, including pavement ants. These are species that normally develop outdoors, but that infiltrate homes when they feel a stimulus.

They usually settle around or under houses and then enter through small cracks and other irregularities. They may leave a deposit of sandy residue around their nest openings.

They are medium in size, measuring 2.5 to 5 mm long, and are usually dark brown to black.

Pharaoh Ants

How Do We Recognize Pharaoh Ants?

They are very small ants, 1.5 to 2 mm in size, and they are brown-orange in color.

They can invade a kitchen, its containers, and its food because of the imposing size of its colonies, up to hundreds of thousands of individuals and several hundred queens.

Do you have an ant problem?
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